This document contains some important reminders and some information about installing the software. You may want to print this document and keep it for future reference.
Installing the Printer Driver Software
You cannot install the software by dragging the icons to your hard disk; you must use the Installer program. Your Mac OS–based computer must have System 7.1 or later. In addition, your Mac OS–based computer should have a minimum of 8 megabytes (MB) of memory.The printer software does not include a QuickDraw GX driver.
IMPORTANT If you are installing from floppy disks, before installing the printer software, restart your system with all extensions turned off. To do this, hold down the Shift key while you restart your computer. Hold the Shift key down until you see the message “Extensions off” or until your normal desktop appears. If you are installing from a CD-ROM, you may want to turn off or remove individual extensions which may conflict with the Installer.
The Installer does not remove versions of the LaserWriter printer driver earlier than version 8.0. If you no longer need these files, you may remove them from your System Folder.
The Installer does remove earlier versions of the LaserWriter 8 driver (for example, LaserWriter 8.0) and replaces the PPD files for Apple LaserWriter printers with the latest versions. You may want to archive your current LaserWriter 8 driver and PPDs before installing this software. To do this, drag the LaserWriter 8 file from the Extensions folder (located in your active System Folder) to another folder. Drag your current PPD’s from the Printer Descriptions folder (located in the Extensions folder) to another folder.
When you choose Easy Install, the Installer places the following files on your hard disk:
• LaserWriter 8.4.1 is placed in the Extensions folder inside the System Folder.
• PrintingLib is placed in the Extensions folder.
• The PPD files used by LaserWriter 8 are placed in the Printer Descriptions folder inside the Extensions folder.
• The Apple Printer Utility, SimpleText, and Read Me files are placed in the Apple LaserWriter Software folder.
• For desktop printing, Desktop PrintMonitor, Desktop Printer Spooler, Desktop Printer Extension, Clipping Extension, and Network Extension are placed in the Extensions folder. If you have System 7.5 and a Control Strips folder, Printer Selector control strip is also installed in the Control Strip Modules folder.
• ColorSync 2.0.1 is placed in the Extensions folder. The ColorSync profiles are placed in the ColorSync Profiles folder (in the Preferences folder inside the System Folder). The ColorSync System Profile control panel is placed in the Control Panels folder.
• If your system has System 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, or 7.5, Finder 7.5.1 is placed in your System Folder, and Finder Help 7.1.5 is placed in the Extensions folder.
• If your system has System 7.1, 7.1.1 or 7.1.2, these files are placed in the Extensions folder: Thread Manager 2.1 and Macintosh Drag and Drop 1.1.
• If your system has System 7.1, Dragging Enabler is placed in the Extensions folder.
• If you have a 68K-based Mac OS–based computer, Code Fragment Manager files for the 68K are also placed in your Extensions folder in the active System Folder: CFM-68K Runtime Enabler, NuQuickTime.slb, NuThreadsLib.slb, and ColorSyncLib68K.
IMPORTANT If the Installer is unable to remove old files from your hard disk, it will terminate the installation procedure. If this happens, remove old copies of the files listed above from their respective folders and try the install again.
Finder Help required - If the Mac OS computer is running System 7.5.1 or greater, the installer requires Finder Help to be present in the Extensions folder before it will install the software. All earlier Systems will be updated to Finder Help 7.1.5. If the Finder Help file was removed from the Extensions folder, the installer displays a message that Finder Help is missing. Put a copy of the Finder Help that came with the latest System Software into the Extensions folder before running the installer.
Fonts folder integrity (8.4.1 with Fonts installer only) - You may want to check the integrity of your Fonts folder before installing the software if you are using a disk set that installs fonts. Use a font integrity utility program or check manually by inspection that your Fonts folder (located in the System folder) does not contain multiple copies of the same font, font suitcases inside of font suitcases, and font files not in suitcases. These font situations can impact the successful printing of your documents.
Fonts not in suitcases (8.4.1 with Fonts installer only) - If the Installer finds duplicate fonts on the hard disk that are not in font suitcases, the Installer displays this message: "A Font file with the same name (but not a suitcase file) as one which we are about to install was found in the Fonts folder in the System Folder of volume "xxxxxx". Please remove it before installing. Read the "Before You Install" file for more details." To correct this situation, open the System Folder and then the Fonts folder on your hard disk. Drag from the fonts folder all font files that are not in suitcases. Close the Font and System folders, and try installing again.
Printer Descriptions Folder Alias - If the Printer Descriptions folder has been moved to somewhere other than the Extensions folder, and an alias to it is in its place, be sure to remove the Printer Descriptions alias before running the Installer.
Custom Install Checkboxes - Custom Install checkbox options may get modified by the Installer if you use the Switch Disk button to change to a volume that has a different active operating system on it. Be sure to reselect the Custom Install options to install the appropriate software for the active operating system on the new volume.